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Alumni Accolades May 2016

Herschbach SIYSS award Pontius and Revanur_Crop

2016 Scholars Swetha Revanur and Wyatt Pontius won the Dudley R. Herschbach SIYSS Awards at the 2016 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. The SIYSS is a multi-disciplinary seminar highlighting some of the most remarkable achievements by young scientists from around the world. Swetha and Wyatt will attend the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS) and attend the Nobel Prize ceremonies in Sweden.

Nadya Ted Talk

Nadya Okamoto (2016) presented at TEDxPortland, speaking about the unaddressed needs of
menstrual hygiene among poor and homeless women.

She founded Camions of Care after her family experienced a degree of homelessness, during which she discovered the unaddressed need of menstrual hygiene among poor and homeless women. Her nonprofit is dedicated to helping women who can’t afford menstrual products so that they can achieve their full potential.

Jennifer Bergman Harkness City Council_Crop_2016

Jennifer Bergman Harkness (2000) was elected to City Council in Cleveland, Texas!