February 2017 Connections

Ashley Chang (2006), Brad Galiette (2004), Salone Kapur (2006), Phil Reich (2005), and Daren Miller (2008) hosted alumni at a #CokeScholarsPro event at Google in NYC on February 16. Ashley taught 40 alumni how to maximize their productivity at work and beyond using Google tools. #CokeScholarsPro events are an initiative of our Alumni Advisory Board, designed to bring professional development events to the Coke Scholars community.

Joy Sparrowhawk (2000) welcomed Jeremy O’Brien (2012) and Iman Cooper (2011) to Paris! Iman is studying in Kenya, and Jeremy is studying in London.

Daniela Michanie (2015) and Samuel Alemayehu (2004) met in Washington, DC, last week. Samuel opened up his home to host a fundraiser for Samuel M. Gebru, who is running for Cambridge City Council, and Daniela attended as part of Gebru’s campaign staff. They spent the weekend in Samuel’s home, and while finalizing some details for the fundraiser, Samuel noticed the Coke Scholars sticker on Daniela’s laptop, and that’s when they realized that they were both Scholars! Daniela wrote us to say “It was such a great surprise…every time I encounter a fellow Scholar I am reminded of my Coke family and feel at home.”

Grant Means (2012) will be joining the staff of Mayor Michael Tubbs (2008) of Stockton, CA, a few days a week starting next month!

Alice Park (1999) opened Park Photography Studios in Atlanta, and Carolyn Norton (CCSF), Jany Brown (1992), Lesley Wainwright (1994), Torarie Durden (1994), and Jane Hopkins (CCSF) joined her at her open house.

Gabbi Lewin (2008) and Hannah Lapin (2010) shared a Coke at Milestone, an annual fundraiser for Jewish young professionals in Austin.