We hosted 3 receptions for Scholars and alumni in California and were so pleased with the turnout! Thank you to all who attended.
Palo Alto Coke Scholars at Stanford University
Los Angeles Coke Scholars at Sony Studios
San Francisco Coke Scholars at LinkedIn
In San Francisco, we got a special treat – Stockton, CA, Mayor Michael Tubbs (2008) addressed the group, inspiring the room.
15 Coca-Cola Scholars gathered in Austin for the first #CokeScholarsPro SXSW event earlier this month. An initiative of the Alumni Advisory Board, Nola Weinstein (2001), co-hosted the event with Daron Roberts (1997) at Twitter in downtown Austin. Scholars enjoyed good conversation and discussed upcoming events.
Steven Olikara (2008) invited local alumni and CCSF staff to the Millennial Action Project (MAP) happy hour in Atlanta. Steven founded MAP to advance a post-partisan generation of Millennials in political leadership, and at the happy hour they kicked off the launch of the Georgia Future Caucus. Pictured: Jane Hale Hopkins (CCSF), Steven Olikara (2008), Kathryn Marsh-Soloway (CCSF), Joshua Schmidt (2010), Lauren O’Brien (CCSF), and Helen Clark (2011). Nadia Kemal (2012) and Ryan LaMonica (1997) also attended.
Leighanne Oh (2011, right) traveled to Kampala, Uganda, where she was able to share a Coke with Kim Rash (1990, left)! Kim and her husband Bob moved to Kampala last year.
Joy Sparrowhawk (2000) had dinner and a Coke with Jason Pate (2005) while he was in Paris on a work trip.
Madi Pfaff (2013) came by our office for lunch while in town for her job with Comcast Universal.
Tekay King (1989) stopped in to say hello, and he dressed in style, sporting his 2013 Coca-Cola Scholars Leadership Summit shirt! Leadership Summits are an opportunity for all Scholars and alumni to come together and learn from each other. We look forward to hosting the third Summit in 2018.
Omari Johnson (1991) came by for a coffee break. He’s Chief of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Emory University Hospital.
Gabriel Unruh (2014) stopped by with his girlfriend, Alexis, while road-tripping through Atlanta.
Gabriel Nagel (2023) was selected as the Chairperson of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s National Environmental Youth Advisory Council, making him the youngest Chairperson of an official U.S. federal advisory council.
2023 Scholars Reya Singh and Mandy Zhang created New Roots Financial, an organization dedicated to helping immigrants and refugees become financially literate, after they connected at the 2023 Coca-Cola Scholars Leadership Development Institute.