Kamber Schneider (2001), Eric Armbrecht (1991), Jack Terschluse (2012), Meenu Bhooshanan (2018), Carolyn Norton (CCSF Alumni Relations Manager), and Deborah Stine (1991, not pictured) got together for coffee while Carolyn was in St. Louis.
Bryan Nails (2004, second from left) and Shikha Singhvi (2002, not pictured) attended the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund 31st Annual Awards Gala in Washington DC as guests of The Coca-Cola Company.
Arielle Thornton (2010, left) attended the Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year Gala in Washington, DC, as a guest of The Coca-Cola Company, where actor Denzel Washington was the keynote speaker.
Albert Lawrence (2003) and Justin Kawaguchi (2017) got together in Los Angeles to discuss Justin’s goals for the year. Albert is Justin’s coach through the Coke Scholars Coaching Program in partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership.
Ohio State University Scholars Ryan Miller (2018), Jayda Rodgers (2018), Pablo Manon (2018), and Jacqueline Roman (2015) got together to kick off the fall semester by hosting a Slices for Scholars event.
Gabriel Nagel (2023) was selected as the Chairperson of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s National Environmental Youth Advisory Council, making him the youngest Chairperson of an official U.S. federal advisory council.
2023 Scholars Reya Singh and Mandy Zhang created New Roots Financial, an organization dedicated to helping immigrants and refugees become financially literate, after they connected at the 2023 Coca-Cola Scholars Leadership Development Institute.