Congratulations to Torarie Durden (1994) and his wife CC on the birth of their first child, son Greyson “Ocean” Torie Durden born on March 22nd in Atlanta, GA!
Leo Sanford Bernstein was born March 8 in Austin, TX, to Corrie MacLaggan (1998) and husband Oliver Bernstein. Big sister Carmen, 2, is very excited.
Jamie Lathan (1996) and his wife Lucinda welcomed their first child, Arthur Jameson Nias Lathan (“AJ”), on March 4th in Durham, NC!
Congratulations to Adrienne Clarke (1991) and her husband Bryan on the birth of their son Hudson Taeyoung Clarke on March 4th in Chicago! Hudson joins big sister Dylan.
Gabriel Nagel (2023) was selected as the Chairperson of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s National Environmental Youth Advisory Council, making him the youngest Chairperson of an official U.S. federal advisory council.
2023 Scholars Reya Singh and Mandy Zhang created New Roots Financial, an organization dedicated to helping immigrants and refugees become financially literate, after they connected at the 2023 Coca-Cola Scholars Leadership Development Institute.